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However, no casualties have been reported in the fire that has been upgraded to level-3."Five fire engines, four water tankers along with adequate number of fire brigade personnel were rushed to the site to STORZ COUPLING IN ALUMINUM Suppliers    douse the flames," the official added. Mumbai: A major fire broke out at the Income Tax office located in multi-storeyed Scindia House in South Mumbai on Friday.The cause of the fire was not immediately known.The building, a well-known landmark in South Mumbai, also houses the office of the Debt Recovery Tribunal (DRT)..The fire brigade control room received information about the incident at 4:55 pm. They were later rescued by the fire-fighting team.The blaze started on the third floor of the I-T office located in multi-storeyed Scindia House.At least 5 persons were stranded on upper floors of Scindia House, news agency ANI reported.The blaze started on the third floor of the I-T office located in multi-storeyed Scindia House and efforts are on to douse it, a fire brigade official told news agency PTI.

Posté le 09/10/2020 à 08:50 par semturers

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Tuli claimed that Bistro had obtained all the requisite permissions that included permission from the fire department.“This goes on to prove that fire authorities somehow are making all efforts to save 1 Above,” alleged Tuli’s application. His lawyer Shyam Diwani argued before sessions’ judge A. 700 Characters Remaining DC Original image? Mumbai: Yug Tuli, the co-owner of Mojo’s Bistro, also known as Duke Tuli, filed an anticipatory bail application (ABA) in the sessions court, questioning the fire department’s report, which stated that the blaze that gutted his pub and the 1 Above at the Kamala Mills compound on December 29 killing 14 people, had originated from his pub.Tuli moved the pre-arrest bail application on Monday, which came up for hearing on Tuesday. Yawalkar that the report submitted by the fire department is influenced.His lawyer stood by their stand that the fire had originated from the 1 Above pub. L.Fourteen people died and 30 others were injured in the Kamala Mills fire.The lawyer also submitted that Tuli’s name was not there in the FIR and he is not actively involved in the day  STORZ COUPLING IN ALUMINUM Suppliers   to day business of the restaurant, but is just one of the partners.Advocate Diwani also argued that authorities relied upon unverified posts on social media, which according to him, “were apparently systematically being posted and pushed by friends of the absconding owners of 1 Above Restaurant. Advocate Diwani challenged the findings of the report submitted by the fire department saying that it is based on claims made on social media and the department has neither recorded statements of any person nor conducted any enquiry to come to the conclusion that the fire started from his pub.” According to him, attempts were made to somehow portray that the fire originated from Mojo’s Bistro. However, the court has adjourned the hearing for the day after tomorrow without granting any relief..According to Tuli, there were around 40 guests in their restaurant and none of their guests sustained any serious injury.He also said that the report should have been given to the police but instead was made available to everybody, even before it reached the police.However, the judge deferred the hearing of this ABA for January 11, without granting any interim relief to applicant.

Posté le 26/09/2020 à 11:06 par semturers

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A senior citizen who did not wish to be named said that it was unlikely the fire broke out at the spot it did for this was not an easily accessible place. In May this year, the Lokayukta had visited Dahisar to discover the extent of mangrove destruction in the area.“It seems to be a ploy to show patches of land as not being mangrove belts and then going ahead with construction plans,” said Mr Pande. At the time, local police arrested a 36-year-old plot owner only to release him on bail.Mr Pande further said that the fire brigade that was dousing the fire had to call in more fire tenders as water from its tankers was over. The same month, close to 500 residents had staged a protest against the land mafia and private bus operators who were responsible for wiping out mangroves  China SOFT BAG UNIT PACKINGS OF FIRE BLANKETS Suppliers  covering half-an-acre of land.Harish Pande, one of the members of New Link Road Residents’ Association of Dahisar said that when he tried to check the spot, the fire brigade sealed it and told him that the fire had been almost doused. When contacted, Vijay Kambe, ward officer, R North ward, did not respond to The Asian Age.Harish Pande, a member of New Link Road Residents’ Association, said when he tried to check the spot, the fire brigade sealed it. Mumbai: A stretch of mangroves in Dahisar caught fire on Wednesday evening and it wasn’t till after 3pm the next day (Thursday) that the blaze was doused, leading activists to suspect existence of a conspiracy to destroy mangroves in the area.“Just 500 metres away from the fire, debris was being dumped along a patch and this issue was even taken to the Lokayukta and the matter is now in court. People clearing patches in the area have an ulterior motive and need to be stopped for the sake of conservation of mangroves,” Mr Pande said.

Posté le 22/09/2020 à 03:44 par semturers

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The incident happened Thursday night. A call was received at 9.40 pm about the blaze and two fire tenders were rushed to the spot, he said. (Representational Image) New Delhi: Fifteen people were injured in a LPG cylinder blast in East Delhi’s Gandhi Nagar, an officer from Delhi Fire Service said on Friday.The incident happened Thursday night. A call was received at 9.40 pm about the blaze and two fire tenders were rushed to the spot, he said.The incident occurred on the third floor of a building in Shankar Nagar, where a small portion of a room that was being used as a makeshift kitchen, where the cylinder was kept, exploded.Later, some people in the neighbourhood rushed in to save the inmates.“They too sustained injuries along with the inmates. The fire was doused within an hour. The injured people are undergoing treatment at GTB hospitals,” he added.In an another incident, a fire broke out at Jahanpanah city forest in Chirag Delhi area on Friday morning. According to Delhi fire service officials, “A call was received around 11 pm on Friday morning regarding fire in South Delhi’s Jahanpanah city forest and 15 fire tenders were immediately rushed to the spot to douse the fire.”The official further added that the process to douse the fire lasted for almost five years, adding that no casualty has been reported so far.There were also no damage reported till now, the official added.However, the cause of the forest fire is still unknown, and the official added that the police investigation is TYPE-4A SEMI RIGID PVC HOSE  underway to determine the cause.

Posté le 14/09/2020 à 08:43 par semturers

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Trump's unexpected remarks prompted North Korea to say it was considering plans to fire four intermediate-range missiles to land 30-40 kilometres (18-25 miles) from Guam, home to about 163,000 people and a U.S. military base that includes a submarine squadron, an air base and a Coast Guard group.Washington/Seoul: North Korea is working on plans for a missile strike near the US Pacific territory of Guam, calling President Donald Trump&  China TYPE-4A SEMI RIGID PVC HOSE Factory  39;s warning of "fire and fury" a "load of nonsense" and that only "absolute force can work on him."Pyongyang's state-run KCNA news agency issued an update on its strike plans after Trump's incendiary comments on Tuesday that threats to the United States from Pyongyang would be met with "fire and fury."Trump's unexpected remarks prompted North Korea to say it was considering plans to fire four intermediate-range missiles to land 30-40 kilometres (18-25 miles) from Guam, home to about 163,000 people and a U.S. military base that includes a submarine squadron, an air base and a Coast Guard group.
The army will complete its plans in mid-August, ready for North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's order, KCNA said on Wednesday, citing General Kim Rak Gyom, commander of the Strategic Force of the Korean People's Army.Read: North Korea vows harsh retaliation against new UN sanctionsThe news agency said Trump "let out a load of nonsense about 'fire and fury'," adding "sound dialogue is not possible with such a guy bereft of reason and only absolute force can work on him."On global markets, the strong rhetoric and sharp increase in tensions drove investors out of stocks and other risky assets on Wednesday and into textbook safe havens like gold and Treasuries.U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis issued a stark warning earlier on Wednesday, telling Pyongyang the United States and its allies would win any arms race or conflict."The DPRK should cease any consideration of actions that would lead to the end of its regime and the destruction of its people," Mattis said in a statement, using the acronym for North Korea's official name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
The United States and South Korea remain technically still at war with North Korea after the 1950-53 Korean conflict ended with a truce, not a peace treaty. North Korea regularly threatens to destroy the United States.Tension in the region has risen since North Korea carried out two nuclear bomb tests last year and two intercontinental ballistic missile tests in July. Trump has said he will not allow Pyongyang # to develop a nuclear weapon capable of hitting the United States.Read: South Korea’s Moon discusses North Korea with China's Xi JinpingOn Wednesday, Trump followed up his "fire and fury" warning with a boast about U.S. nuclear capabilities."My first order as President was to renovate and modernize our nuclear arsenal. It is now far stronger and more powerful than ever before," Trump tweeted. "Hopefully we will never have to use this power, but there will never be a time that we are not the most powerful nation in the world!"Trump's "fire and fury" remarks prompted warnings from U.S. officials and analysts not to engage in rhetorical games with Pyongyang.U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who was in Guam on a previously scheduled visit, played down the rhetoric, saying he did not believe there was an imminent threat from North Korea and "Americans should sleep well at night."Trump's "fire and fury" warning was meant to send a "strong message to North Korea in language that (North Korean leader) Kim Jong Un would understand, because he doesn't seem to understand diplomatic language," Tillerson said.Earlier on Wednesday, Guam Governor Eddie Calvo dismissed the threat and said the island was prepared for "any eventuality" with strategically placed defences.  
He said he had been in touch with the White House and there was no change in the threat level.North Korea, pursuing missile and nuclear weapons programs in defiance of U.N. Security Council resolutions, accuses the Washington of devising a "preventive war" and has said any plans to execute this would be met with an "all-out war, wiping out all the strongholds of enemies, including the U.S. mainland."Washington has warned it is ready to use force if needed to stop North Korea's ballistic missile and nuclear programs but that it prefers global diplomatic action, including sanctions. The U.N. Security Council unanimously imposed new sanctions on North Korea on Saturday.U.S military officials played down the potential for military conflict. Three U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the United States had not moved additional assets into the region after North Korea's threats against Guam."Just because the rhetoric goes up, doesn't mean our posture changes," one official said. "The only time our posture goes up is based on facts, not because of what Kim and Trump say to each other," the official added.While Trump said the nuclear arsenal was more powerful than ever before, U.S. officials say it takes decades to actually modernize nuclear weapons. Trump signed an executive order in January to initiate a review of the country's nuclear policy.A senior administration official who deals with the Korea issue said the "fire and fury" comment, which was Trump's strongest warning yet for North Korea, was "unplanned and spontaneous.""There had not been any discussions about escalating the rhetoric in response to Kim's statements or about the possible effects of doing that," the official said.But White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told reporters national security officials had been aware of the tone of Trump's message before he gave it."The words were his own. The tone and strength of the message were discussed beforehand," Sanders said.Critics included fellow Republican John McCain, head of the Armed Forces Committee in the U.S. Senate, who said Trump should tread cautiously.  
"You've got to be sure you can do what you say you're going to do," McCain said in a radio interview.Democratic Senator Jack Reed, the top Democrat on the committee, said Trump's words were counterproductive. "Defusing the North Korea threat will take smart, steady leadership and stronger diplomatic ties with our key allies," Reed said.Republican Senator Cory Gardner said the administration needed to lean on China, North Korea's closest ally, using sanctions. "It's time to hold China accountable for their refusal to shut off trade with North Korea," Gardner said.China, despite its anger at Pyongyang's missile and nuclear programs, described the situation as "complex and sensitive," and urged calm and a return to talks."China calls on all sides to uphold the main direction of a political resolution to the Korean peninsula nuclear issue, and avoid any words or actions that may intensify the problem and escalate the situation," the government said in a statement sent to Reuters, repeating its customary stance.

Posté le 08/09/2020 à 03:03 par semturers

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